

The 12th West Coast Plato Workshop brings together scholars from all over the world to discuss a particular Platonic dialogue or theme.

This year the Workshop will be dedicated to recent research on Plato’s Protagoras, a key dialogue for understanding Plato's ethics, his theory of measurement, his assessment of Protagoreanism, and other important topics. The public is welcome.

Professor Deborah Modrak (University of Rochester) will give the keynote lecture on Friday evening. Professors Beresford (University of Massachusetts at Boston) and Shaw (University of Tennessee at Knoxville) will present invited lectures midday on Saturday and Sunday respectively.

The Workshop will take place 24-26 May, 2019, at San Diego State University in San Diego, California. Please see the program for details.

There is no registration fee. If you plan to attend sessions, it would be a kindness if you were to inform Professor Wheeler (wheeler1@sdsu.edu) so that he may ensure adequate seating and refreshments.